Several roles have changed please check
the committee page for details
Planning for our 2025 festival is now underway
The festival will be held on the week of
17th to 22nd Feb 2025
In addition to our Facebook page We are now on twitter and Instagram
Twitter @scda_edinburgh and Instagram as scda_edinburgh
Please follow us via the links below
Well we have the dates now it's over to you please think about attending and supporting Community drama in Edinburgh and Lothians
If you are interested or would like to know more about entering the festival or would like to know more about the SCDA in Edinburgh district
Please use the contact form below
if you wish any informatio
SCDA Library - News Up date
Last month, the scripts were safely packaged and - along with 36 bookcases - transferred to their new home in Stirling.
A small team of volunteers is now stocking the shelves, and we'll then sort out plans for access and reopening. soon at
Argyll Court, Castle Business Park,
Stirling FK9 4TT
National News
please visit the national web site
For information
Please use email if possible :-
Our address is:
Scottish Community Drama Association
Stirling Enterprise Park
John Player Building
Telephone 07407 38708
National AGM weekend at the Stirling Court Hotel
November 1st to 3rd
details via the national website
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